How To Unblend From Your Parts - IFS Therapy Meditation

How To Unblend From Your Parts - IFS Therapy Meditation

In this episode, we explore an Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy meditation designed to help listeners identify and unblend from negative emotions or activated parts within themselves. Through gentle introspection and compassionate inquiry, listeners will learn to create space between themselves and their parts, fostering a sense of inner harmony and self-awareness.

Meditation transcript:

If you're experiencing negative emotion,  it might be because a part of you is activated.  It also might be because you're blended with a part.  So in this exercise,  I'm going to help you identify the part,  help you give that part some attention,  and then practice unblending from that part so that you can feel some relief and so that we can create a little more space for you. 

In other words, a little more space for self.  In self energy, just start by scanning the body from head to toe  and see what you notice.  Notice where you're holding tension,  where you experience this negative emotion or stress. 

In other words, just try to get to know the part  that is active right now. 

And then once you find it, focus in on that part a little bit more.  What do you notice about it?  Is it a feeling, a sensation?  Is it an image?  A shape, a color, a sound.  Does it look like a version of you  at another age?  No wrong answers here. Just notice how you experience the part. 

We can assume here that, again, all upsetting feelings  or thoughts are communication from our parts. So this part is trying to get your attention. Let this part know it has your attention now. 

Ask the part  if it'd be willing to soften just enough for  you to be able to talk with it. And if the part is open to it,  try to get to know it a little bit better. You can ask the part what it's trying to do for you,  what its job is. 

Just keep in mind, there are no bad parts.  Parts always have good intention  and are working hard to try to help you.  So ask if you can just hear more about its job or its intention. 

How are you feeling toward the part? 

If you're feeling curious and passionate  toward the part, then keep going. If you're feeling Judgmental or annoyed, frustrated with the part. See if you can ask that part just to step back  and watch what's happening. Let that part know it can hang out here  and witness what's happening,  where it can also hang out.

In a safe comfortable room and you can work with that part later  and if that part's willing to do that then you can go back  to the original part, how are you feeling toward that part now , see if you can send that part some appreciation for how hard it's working for you, ask if it's if there's anything it wants you to know, or anything it wants to show you 

If it does just try to bear witness to that without trying to change it or argue with the part,  see if you can just be with the part and whatever it's offering you. 

Now I want you to see if you can create even more space between you and the part. So you might breathe in big, deep breath. And then as you breathe out, imagine breathing space in between you and the part and  see how that feels. 

You might imagine stepping back five or six feet from the part and see how that feels. 

Maybe you have multiple parts that are active right now. And if so, imagine your parts  all around a conference table.  And if the parts are standing, you can just gently ask them if they're willing to sit down, let them know that you want to hear from them one at a time,  hearing their concerns, validating  their feelings, just being with your parts,  sending compassion to each and every one. 

You can repeat this process anytime you're feeling negative emotion.  You can come back and repeat this process for other parts that get activated throughout your day. 

Just getting to know your parts, creating a little space, so that you can experience more self energy. 

Take your time, but when you're ready, you can slowly start to orient yourself  back to the room. Letting those parts know that you're not going to forget about them. Letting them know. That you're going to check back in with them from  time to time. 

And then whenever it feels okay, slowly orienting again  to the room and coming back to the external  and just notice how you feel. 

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